
     There is nothing in the United States Constitution allowing Congress to involve itself in education, and even if there was, governments cannot acquire authority by manufacturing documents. A President’s duty to support education is fulfilled by reciting the alphabet for Sesame Street.

     Many voters overlook the high cost of public school. Local governments use zoning restrictions to prevent the construction of residential buildings, to prevent families from acquiring a legal residence within the town limits, and thereby prevent the families from enrolling the children in government-run indoctrination centers. The result is that families are forced, by zoning restrictions, to pay a lot more for housing than they would in a free country, even if they enroll the children in a legitimate school that uses no stolen money.

     Many parents have been offered lucrative jobs but were prevented from accepting them because they would not be able to deliver their children to the government-run indoctrination centers on a schedule that fits the convenience of bureaucrats.

     In a free country, you would be able to operate a school 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and kids could arrive and leave at any hour. Schools would also be able to innovate instead of complying with government-imposed restrictions. When children play Monopoly, they don’t know they are doing their arithmetic homework. Ask a classroom of sixth graders to name countries in Africa where French is an official language, and the stamp collector is the one who knows, because stamps are inscribed in the official language of their country.

     I would be in favor of constitutional amendments imposing nationwide bans on school taxes and on zoning restrictions. I will absolutely vote against federal grants to public schools, and will support efforts to eliminate public schools in the District of Columbia.